Live version of “Expectations” from 1969 available from

A live version of “Expectations” (from the album of the same name, released in 1972), recorded for the “Tous en scène” TV show in Paris and broadcast on November 23, 1969 by La Deuxième Chaîne de l’ORTF, is available for download from the Institut national de l’audiovisuel Web site. A free snippet (20 seconds) is available. The full version (3:52) is available for 1.50 EUR (as a DRM-protected DivX video file, unfortunately – or as a DVD, but you’ll have to pay for shipping).

Keith Jarrett plays with Gus Nemeth (bass) and Aldo Romano (drums). As far as I know, this is the only video of this group ever released.

“Tous en scène” was produced by Pierre Desfons, Claude Ventura, Robert Bober, and Maurice Dugowson. For more information about this TV show, check out this blog post (in French).

Institut national de l’audiovisuel